Thoracic Spine and Ribs Osteopathic Treatment
The osteopathic treatment provided by Penarth is here to help your Thoracic Spine and Ribs pain and movement
The thoracic spine (middle back) and ribs can become injured for a variety of reasons, such as during fast ballistic movements such as sneezing or repetitive coughing; the ribs can become strained with spasms through local musculature.
The thoracic spine can also become dysfunctional because of increased amounts of time leaning forward over a computer, causing a chronic restriction of movement through the upper thoracic spine.
Osteopathy can improve function of the thoracic spine and ribs as well as from some simple exercises to improve & maintain the mobility of the area and increase the strength of the muscles of the upper back and shoulders.
The thoracic spine is not only the site of pain but is also a common cause for pain in the cervical spine.
This is because a restriction in the thoracic spine leads to an increase in the strain upon the cervical spine and so increase the chance of injury.
Book An Osteopathic Appointment
Book a visit to our Penarth clinic by calling us now on: 029 2070 8350
or leave us a note below for us to call you back.
If you are unsure about how we can help you, the best way is to talk to us to find out.
We are just a phone call away, so do call us now.
Cleland JA, Glynn P, Whitman JM, Eberhart SL, MacDonald C, Childs JD: Short-term effects of thrust versus nonthrust mobilization/manipulation directed at the thoracic spine in patients with neck pain: a randomized clinical trial. Phys Ther 2007, 87: 431-440.
Gonzalez-Iglesias J, Fernandez-de-las-Penas C, Cleland JA, Gutierrez-Vega MR: Thoracic spine manipulation for the management of patients with neck pain: a randomized clinical trial. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2009, 39: 20-27.
Schiller L: Effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy in the treatment of mechanical thoracic spine pain: a pilot randomized clinical trial. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2001, 24: 394-401.