COVID-19: Open with limited capacity
We do what we believe an osteopath should do the following: treat patients professionally, educate our patients and help to prevent a wide range of problems from back pain and everyday aches, through to sports injuries and work-related ailments. At our Penarth osteopathic clinic, we use a holistic approach to treat the root of the pain and dysfunction, instead of just symptomatically.
Sports Injuries
Whether you are a weekend athlete or an elite performer, osteopathy has a lot to offer you. As osteopaths we are trained to look at both the injury and the body as a whole, particularly its biomechanics and the strains placed upon it.
Low back pain
The lumbar spine pain is one of the most common causes for time off work and is experienced by most of the population at some time in their working career. As a result of this it is essential to not only the individual but also their employer to help prevent problems with the lumbar spine.
Cranial osteopathy
At the start the of the 20th century William Garner Sutherland was studying the disarticulated bones of the cranium (skull); he was taught that adult cranial bones do not move so as to provide a hard and immobile protective shell around the brain.
Shoulder injuries
The shoulder is an inherently unstable joint due to its shallow socket and high degree of flexibility. As a result of this the body uses a series of muscles to help stabilise it: the four main muscles are called the rotator cuff muscles, but other muscles from the chest, scapular and upper arm help provide power and some stability as well.
We are pleased to announce that we are now open once more, but with limited capacity. If you are shielding we do not yet recommend that you come for treatment but we will be happy to give you advice over the telephone. Simply call us on 02920 708 350. Please attend your appointments on time, as we may not be able to see you if you are either late or early due to social distancing and cleaning requirements. We look forward to being able to help you again soon!
About Penarth Osteopathic Practice
We are able to treat a wide range of injuries and ailments in conjunction with them and can provide relief for persistent as well as short term injuries.
If you would like any advice on how we can help you please just get in touch.
If you are unsure about how we can help you, the best way is to talk to us to find out. We are just a phone call away, so do call us now.